Pickle’s LinkedIn Strategy

Funnel Stage

Top Funnel



Play Type

Long Term



Pickle’s LinkedIn Strategy

Pickle’s LinkedIn Strategy

What was the problem/opportunity?

Most B2B company LinkedIn pages are boring & only post about themselves. Rarely delivering actionable advice, funny memes, or (even crazier) their failures & learning experiences.

I knew our target personas hung out on LinkedIn frequently. So I saw an opportunity to curate our company page & enable our sales reps to build a personal brand that challenged the status quo of what everyone else was doing.

The goal: draw more attention to Pickle from potential buyers, have them land on our website, and eventually convert when the problem we solved was top of mind for them.

This would lead to faster conversions while waiting for my SEO efforts to kick in.

Who were we talking to?

  • B2B full-cycle AE’s who wanted to learn how to improve their discovery/demo experience & overall sales process

  • Sales leaders who want to train their reps on new strategies and each deal stage

What was the mission?

Post unique, attention-demanding content daily from the company page and personal pages. We HAD to stay top of mind on the channel our ICP frequented.

Also engage with relevant conversations happening on LinkedIn via the comments and DMs.

I created every asset & wrote every post based on LinkedIn’s algorithm strategies.

How was success measured?

The key metrics were LinkedIn page followers, referral traffic back to the site, and self-attributed inbound demos citing LinkedIn as their origin.

What was the outcome?

  • Averaged ~500 visits/week to the website from LinkedIn (21% of total traffic/week)

  • ~4 demos booked/week cited LinkedIn as where they found us (25% of demos/week)

  • 274.42% increase YoY in target referral traffic (LinkedIn)

  • Built the Pickle page to 3.8k followers, Junior Lartey’s (our AE) page to 16k followers, and my page to 7k followers

What was the strategy/distribution plan?

I always plan from the bottom of the funnel & work up:

Customer Activation Strategy

Launched new features and product updates on a monthly cadence alongside our changelog campaigns.

Our customer expansion strategy was always to start with the sales team & grow throughout the company from there. These posts were meant to drive inbound conversations from current customers & late-stage buyers.

Some examples:

🔺 Click here to see the full post.

🔺 Click here to see the full post.

🔺 Click here to see the full post.

Bottom Funnel Strategy

Posted customer testimonials & G2 reviews on custom graphics after running review campaigns to ensure they were recent.

The goal was to create some FOMO but also minimize the feeling of risk for late-stage buyers who were evaluating us against more established alternatives.

Some examples:

🔺 Click here to see the full post.

🔺 Click here to see the full post.

🔺 Click here to see the full post.

🔺 Click here to see the full post.

Mid Funnel Strategy

Post actionable sales tactics from Pickle platform screenshots to entice problem & solution-aware buyers to move to product & most-aware stages.

We leveraged the company and personal LinkedIn accounts for more engagement.

We wanted to show how the product helped us internally with these posts. Allowing for subtle use case demos for potential buyers without pushing the sales agenda too hard.

Some examples:

🔺 Click here to see the full post.

🔺 Click here to see the full post.

🔺 Click here to see the full post.

Top Funnel Strategy

Created sales memes, custom sales humor videos, podcast clips, and actionable sales tactics to build trust with every new follower.

The goal was to deliver enough value with each post to generate a click on the accompanying blog and learn more about Pickle via the website.

Some examples:

🔺 Click here to see the full post.

🔺 Click here to see the full post.

🔺 Click here to see the full post.

🔺 Click here to see the full post.

🔺 Click here to see the full post.

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Made by Taylor Dahlem

© Copyright 2023. All rights Reserved.

Made by Taylor Dahlem

© Copyright 2023. All rights Reserved.

Made by Taylor Dahlem