Pickle Testimonials & Use Cases

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Pickle Testimonials & Use Cases

Pickle Testimonials & Use Cases

What was the problem/opportunity?

In a highly competitive market, like Conversation Intelligence, feature sets blur together.

Therefore, how customers talk about you becomes the most effective differentiator.

People buy from people. So I wanted to make our customers & early adopters the stars of our marketing efforts.

From Pickle's inception, our belief was to always under-sell & over-deliver. Which created an expanding army of customers turned fans.

We needed to capture those emotions & distribute them where our ICP would find them.

Who were we talking to?

Remote B2B full-cycle AE’s who wanted to learn how to improve their discovery/demo meeting experience.

Sales leaders who were looking to improve processes and train their reps on new strategies and each deal stage.

What was the strategy/distribution plan?

I met with current users and past opportunities consistently to keep a pulse on the voices of our customers and what problems we were/weren’t solving for them.

With their permission, I’d capture soundbites and text to use across our target channels.


We displayed user quotes at several strategic locations on our website.

I tested conversion rates for different spots & formats with Crazy Egg, our site heat map, and Google Analytics.

Home page

I wanted trust to be established immediately when you landed on our home page. So user quotes were placed above the fold and on a carousel to keep you there for a second longer.

Also placed another quote further down the page, after the benefits & set-up, to re-engage anyone who scrolled that far.

Feature pages

Each page that explained product features further contained a related user quote.

This particular example was on our Zoom integration page. The quote highlights how she uses Pickle to improve active listening in her Zoom meetings.

Use Case pages

We put together quick use case pages geared towards our two personas.

The example below is our Sales Leader page. There was a similar page targeted toward Account Executives as well.

These pages we built for organic conversion and outbound sales collateral.


Posted customer testimonials on custom graphics after running review campaigns to ensure they were recent.

The goal was to create some FOMO but also minimize the feeling of risk for late-stage buyers who were evaluating us against more established alternatives.

Some examples:

🔺 Click here to see the full post.

🔺 Click here to see the full post.

🔺 Click here to see the full post.

🔺 Click here to see the full post.

Third-party Review Sites (G2)

We never paid the $10k+ for the full G2 suite plan but made an emphasis to do as much as possible to make our free profile effective.

Even earned some quarterly badges!

Running bi-weekly review campaigns via Intercom helped grow our profile quickly.

The campaigns were targeted toward our newest users & the people we determined to be ‘power users’ in the app. Leading to higher-quality reviews.

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Made by Taylor Dahlem

© Copyright 2023. All rights Reserved.

Made by Taylor Dahlem

© Copyright 2023. All rights Reserved.

Made by Taylor Dahlem